Abraham Vergis provides insight to Singapore medical practitioners at Medical Expert Witness Training 2014

Providence Law Asia Managing Director Abraham Vergis successfully contributed to the training of Singapore’s medical practitioners at the 2014 AMS-LSS-SMA-StateCourts Medical Expert Witness Training held on June 28 and 12 July, 2014. The Training was a collaboration of the Academy of Medicine Singapore, the Law Society of Singapore, Singapore Medical Association and the State Courts of Singapore. The program sought to provide and familiarise the medical practitioners of Singapore with basic legal knowledge and skills required to make medical expert reports and give oral expert evidence in proceedings before the Singapore courts through a diverse program of sessions. Abraham Vergis shared his insight and expertise as a Counsel throughout the training, which included drafting of an expert report and simulated role-play on giving oral evidence as an expert witness. The program garnered much positive feedback on its usefulness as well as requests to be conducted on a regular basis for medical practitioners.